LS-Dyna analysis#

Using supplied files, this example shows how to insert an LS-Dyna analysis into a new Mechanical session and execute a sequence of Python scripting commands that define and solve the analysis. Deformation results are then reported and plastic strain (EPS) animation is exported in the project directory.

Download required files#

Download the required files. Print the file path for the geometry file.

import os

from PIL import Image
from ansys.mechanical.core import launch_mechanical
from ansys.mechanical.core.examples import download_file
from matplotlib import image as mpimg
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation

geometry_path = download_file("example_08_Taylor_Bar.agdb", "pymechanical", "00_basic")
print(f"Downloaded the geometry file to: {geometry_path}")
Downloaded the geometry file to: /home/runner/.local/share/ansys_mechanical_core/examples/example_08_Taylor_Bar.agdb

Launch mechanical#

Launch a new Mechanical session in batch, setting cleanup_on_exit to False. To close this Mechanical session when finished, this example must call the mechanical.exit() method.

mechanical = launch_mechanical(batch=True, cleanup_on_exit=False)
Ansys Mechanical [Ansys Mechanical Enterprise]
Product Version:251
Software build date: 11/27/2024 09:34:44

Initialize variable for workflow#

Set the part_file_path variable on the server for later use. Make this variable compatible for Windows, Linux, and Docker containers.

project_directory = mechanical.project_directory
print(f"project directory = {project_directory}")
project_directory = project_directory.replace("\\", "\\\\")

# Upload the file to the project directory.
mechanical.upload(file_name=geometry_path, file_location_destination=project_directory)

# Build the path relative to project directory.
base_name = os.path.basename(geometry_path)
combined_path = os.path.join(project_directory, base_name)
part_file_path = combined_path.replace("\\", "\\\\")
project directory = /tmp/ANSYS.root.1/AnsysMech88D2/Project_Mech_Files/

Uploading example_08_Taylor_Bar.agdb to dns:///   0%|          | 0.00/2.27M [00:00<?, ?B/s]
Uploading example_08_Taylor_Bar.agdb to dns:/// 100%|██████████| 2.27M/2.27M [00:00<00:00, 391MB/s]


Download required material files#

Download the required file. Print the file path for the material file.

mat_st_path = download_file("example_08_Taylor_Bar_Mat.xml", "pymechanical", "00_basic")
print(f"Downloaded the material file to: {mat_st_path}")

# Upload the file to the project directory.
mechanical.upload(file_name=mat_st_path, file_location_destination=project_directory)

# Build the path relative to project directory.
base_name = os.path.basename(mat_st_path)
combined_path = os.path.join(project_directory, base_name)
mat_file_path = combined_path.replace("\\", "\\\\")

# Verify the path
result = mechanical.run_python_script("part_file_path")
print(f"part_file_path on server: {result}")
Downloaded the material file to: /home/runner/.local/share/ansys_mechanical_core/examples/example_08_Taylor_Bar_Mat.xml

Uploading example_08_Taylor_Bar_Mat.xml to dns:///   0%|          | 0.00/13.6k [00:00<?, ?B/s]
Uploading example_08_Taylor_Bar_Mat.xml to dns:/// 100%|██████████| 13.6k/13.6k [00:00<00:00, 52.5MB/s]
part_file_path on server: /tmp/ANSYS.root.1/AnsysMech88D2/Project_Mech_Files/example_08_Taylor_Bar.agdb

Run the script#

Run the Mechanical script to attach the geometry and set up and solve the analysis.

mech_act_code = """
import os
import json

# Import Taylor bar geometry

geometry_import_group = Model.GeometryImportGroup
geometry_import = geometry_import_group.AddGeometryImport()
geometry_import_format = Ansys.Mechanical.DataModel.Enums.GeometryImportPreference.Format.Automatic
geometry_import.Import(part_file_path, geometry_import_format, None)

analysis = Model.Analyses[0]

ExtAPI.Application.ActiveUnitSystem = MechanicalUnitSystem.StandardNMMton
ExtAPI.Application.ActiveAngleUnit = AngleUnitType.Radian

# Assign the material

MAT = ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model.Materials
ExtAPI.DataModel.Project.Model.Geometry.Children[0].Children[0].Material = "Bullet"

# Add Coordinate system

cs = Model.CoordinateSystems
lcs = cs.AddCoordinateSystem()
lcs.Origin = [10.0, 1.5, -10.0]
lcs.PrimaryAxis = CoordinateSystemAxisType.PositiveZAxis
lcs.PrimaryAxisDefineBy = CoordinateSystemAlignmentType.GlobalY
lcs.OriginDefineBy = CoordinateSystemAlignmentType.Fixed

solver  = analysis.Solver

solver.Properties['Step Controls/Endtime'].Value = 3.0E-5


# Add Rigid Wall

rigid_wall = analysis.CreateLoadObject("Rigid Wall", "LSDYNA")
rigid_wall.Properties["Coordinate System"].Value = lcs.ObjectId

# Adding initial velocity

ic = ExtAPI.DataModel.GetObjectsByName("Initial Conditions")[0]
vel = ic.InsertVelocity()
selection = ExtAPI.SelectionManager.CreateSelectionInfo(SelectionTypeEnum.GeometryEntities)
selection.Ids = [ExtAPI.DataModel.GeoData.Assemblies[0].Parts[0].Bodies[0].Id]
vel.Location = selection
vel.DefineBy = LoadDefineBy.Components
vel.YComponent = Quantity(-280000, ExtAPI.DataModel.CurrentUnitFromQuantityName("Velocity"))

# By default quadratic element order in Mechanical - LSDyna supports only Linear

mesh = ExtAPI.DataModel.GetObjectsByName("Mesh")[0]
mesh.ElementOrder = ElementOrder.Linear
mesh.ElementSize = Quantity(0.5, "mm")

# Solve


# Post-processing

eps = analysis.Solution.AddUserDefinedResult()
eps.Expression = "EPS"
eps_max = eps.Maximum
eps_min = eps.Minimum
total_deformation = analysis.Solution.AddTotalDeformation()

# Set Camera

Graphics.Camera.FocalPoint = Point([9.0521184381880495,
                                    -11.52925245328758], 'mm')

Graphics.Camera.ViewVector = Vector3D(0.5358281613965048,
Graphics.Camera.UpVector = Vector3D(-0.59927496479653264,

Graphics.Camera.SceneHeight = Quantity(14.66592829617538, 'mm')
Graphics.Camera.SceneWidth = Quantity(8.4673776497126063, 'mm')

# Set Scale factor

true_scale = MechanicalEnums.Graphics.DeformationScaling.True
Graphics.ViewOptions.ResultPreference.DeformationScaling = true_scale
Graphics.ViewOptions.ResultPreference.DeformationScaleMultiplier = 1

# Export an animation

mechdir = ExtAPI.DataModel.AnalysisList[0].WorkingDir
animation_export_format = GraphicsAnimationExportFormat.GIF
settings_720p = Ansys.Mechanical.Graphics.AnimationExportSettings()
settings_720p.Width = 1280
settings_720p.Height = 720
anim_file_path = os.path.join(mechdir, "taylor_bar.gif")
    anim_file_path, animation_export_format, settings_720p

# Set the isometric view and zoom to fit

settings_720p = Ansys.Mechanical.Graphics.GraphicsImageExportSettings()
settings_720p.Resolution = (GraphicsResolutionType.EnhancedResolution)
settings_720p.Background = GraphicsBackgroundType.White
settings_720p.Width = 1280
settings_720p.Height = 720
settings_720p.CurrentGraphicsDisplay = False
image_path = os.path.join(mechdir, "totaldeformation.png")
Graphics.ExportImage(image_path, GraphicsImageExportFormat.PNG, settings_720p)

dir_deformation_details = {
"Minimum": str(eps_max),
"Maximum": str(eps_min)

output = mechanical.run_python_script(mech_act_code)

# image_directory_modified = project_directory.replace("\\", "\\\\")

# Verify the path for image directory.
result_image_dir_server = mechanical.run_python_script(f"image_dir")
print(f"Images are stored on the server at: {result_image_dir_server}")
{"Maximum": "0", "Minimum": "2.7366569995880128"}
Images are stored on the server at: /tmp/ANSYS.root.1/AnsysMech88D2/Project_Mech_Files/ExplicitDynamics/

Download output file from solve and print contents#

Download the solve.out file from the server to the current working directory and print the contents. Remove the solve.out file.

def get_solve_out_path(mechanical):
    """Get the solve out path and return."""
    solve_out_path = ""
    for file_path in mechanical.list_files():
        if file_path.find("solve.out") != -1:
            solve_out_path = file_path

    return solve_out_path

def write_file_contents_to_console(path):
    """Write file contents to console."""
    with open(path, "rt") as file:
        for line in file:
            print(line, end="")

print("Getting solve out path")
solve_out_path = get_solve_out_path(mechanical)
print(f"Solve out path (on remote machine): {solve_out_path}")

if solve_out_path != "":
    current_working_directory = os.getcwd()

    print(f"Performing download request..."), target_dir=current_working_directory)
    solve_out_local_path = os.path.join(current_working_directory, "solve.out")
    print(f"File downloaded locally at {solve_out_local_path}")

    print("Printed output to console")
Getting solve out path
Solve out path (on remote machine): /tmp/ANSYS.root.1/AnsysMech88D2/Project_Mech_Files/ExplicitDynamics/solve.out
Performing download request...

Downloading dns:/// to /home/runner/work/pymechanical-examples/pymechanical-examples/examples/basic/solve.out:   0%|          | 0.00/13.7k [00:00<?, ?B/s]
Downloading dns:/// to /home/runner/work/pymechanical-examples/pymechanical-examples/examples/basic/solve.out: 100%|██████████| 13.7k/13.7k [00:00<00:00, 57.8MB/s]
File downloaded locally at /home/runner/work/pymechanical-examples/pymechanical-examples/examples/basic/solve.out
 License option : check ansys licenses only
 *            ANSYS LEGAL NOTICES                              *
 *                                                             *
 * Copyright 1971-2025 ANSYS, Inc.  All rights reserved.       *
 * Unauthorized use, distribution or duplication is            *
 * prohibited.                                                 *
 *                                                             *
 * Ansys is a registered trademark of ANSYS, Inc. or its       *
 * subsidiaries in the United States or other countries.       *
 * See the ANSYS, Inc. online documentation or the ANSYS, Inc. *
 * documentation CD or online help for the complete Legal      *
 * Notice.                                                     *
 *                                                             *
 *                                                             *
 * The software products and documentation are furnished by    *
 * ANSYS, Inc. or its subsidiaries under a software license    *
 * agreement that contains provisions concerning               *
 * non-disclosure, copying, length and nature of use,          *
 * compliance with exporting laws, warranties, disclaimers,    *
 * limitations of liability, and remedies, and other           *
 * provisions.  The software products and documentation may be *
 * used, disclosed, transferred, or copied only in accordance  *
 * with the terms and conditions of that software license      *
 * agreement.                                                  *
 *                                                             *
 * ANSYS, Inc. is a UL registered                              *
 * ISO 9001:2015 company.                                      *
 *                                                             *
 *                                                             *
 * This product is subject to U.S. laws governing export and   *
 * re-export.                                                  *
 *                                                             *
 * For U.S. Government users, except as specifically granted   *
 * by the ANSYS, Inc. software license agreement, the use,     *
 * duplication, or disclosure by the United States Government  *
 * is subject to restrictions stated in the ANSYS, Inc.        *
 * software license agreement and FAR 12.212 (for non-DOD      *
 * licenses).                                                  *
 *                                                             *
      Date: 02/11/2025      Time: 14:14:18
     |                                                   |
     |  LS-DYNA, A Program for Nonlinear Dynamic         |
     |  Analysis of Structures in Three Dimensions       |
     |  Date    : 10/28/2024    Time: 18:29:45           |
     |  Version : smp s R14                              |
     |  Revision: R14.1.1-8-g2ef819c24f                  |
     |  AnLicVer: 2025 R1 (20241030+dl-67-g73b144a)      |
     |                                                   |
     |  Features enabled in this version:                |
     |    Shared Memory Parallel                         |
     |    FFTW (multi-dimensional FFTW Library)          |
     |    ANSYSLIC enabled                               |
     |                                                   |
     |  Platform   : Xeon64 System                       |
     |  OS Level   : Linux 3.10.0 uum                    |
     |  Compiler   : Intel Fortran Compiler 19.0 SSE2    |
     |  Hostname   : 354aa7aa80fc                        |
     |  Precision  : Single precision (I4R4)             |
     |                                                   |
     |  Unauthorized use infringes Ansys Inc. copyrights |
 > i=input.k S=input.intfor x=70 NCPU=1
[license/info] Successfully checked out 1 of "dyna_solver_core".
[license/info] --> Checkout ID: 354aa7aa80fc-root-112-000161 (days left: 70)
[license/info] --> Customer ID: 0
[license/info] Successfully started "LSDYNA (Core-based License)".
 Executing with ANSYS license
 Scale factor for file size =        70
 new file size              = 18350080
 Use this scale factor on all restarts.
 Command line options: i=input.k
 Input file: input.k
 The native file format       : 32-bit small endian
 Memory size from default     :   100000000
 on UNIX computers note the following change:
 ctrl-c interrupts ls-dyna and prompts for a sense  switch.
 type the desired sense switch: sw1., sw2., etc. to continue
 the execution.  ls-dyna will respond as explained in the users manual
    type                      response
   -----   ------------------------------------------------------------
   quit    ls-dyna terminates.
   stop    ls-dyna terminates.
   sw1.    a restart file is written and ls-dyna terminates.
   sw2.    ls-dyna responds with time and cycle numbers.
   sw3.    a restart file is written and ls-dyna continues calculations.
   sw4.    a plot state is written and ls-dyna continues calculations.
   sw5.    ls-dyna enters interactive graphics phase.
   swa.    ls-dyna flushes all output i/o buffers.
   swb.    a dynain is written and ls-dyna continues calculations.
   swc.    a restart and dynain are written and ls-dyna continues calculations.
   swd.    a restart and dynain are written and ls-dyna terminates.
   swe.    stop dynamic relaxation just as though convergence
   endtime=time change the termination time
   lpri    toggle implicit lin. alg. solver output on/off.
   nlpr    toggle implicit nonlinear solver output on/off.
   iter    toggle implicit output to d3iter database on/off.
   prof    output timing data to messag and continue.
   conv    force implicit nonlinear convergence for current time step.
   ttrm    terminate implicit time step, reduce time step, retry time step.
   rtrm    terminate implicit at end of current time step.
 ********  notice  ********  notice  ********  notice  ********
 *                                                            *
 * This is the LS-DYNA Finite Element code.                   *
 *                                                            *
 * Neither LST nor the authors assume any responsibility for  *
 * the validity, accuracy, or applicability of any results    *
 * obtained from this system. Users must verify their own     *
 * results.                                                   *
 *                                                            *
 * LST endeavors to make the LS-DYNA code as complete,        *
 * accurate and easy to use as possible.                      *
 * Suggestions and comments are welcomed.  Please report any  *
 * errors encountered in either the documentation or results  *
 * immediately to LST through your site focus.                *
 *                                                            *
 * Copyright (C) 1990-2021                                    *
 * by Livermore Software Technology, LLC                      *
 * All rights reserved                                        *
 *                                                            *
 ********  notice  ********  notice  ********  notice  ********
 Beginning of keyword reader                                   02/11/25 14:14:22

 Memory required to process keyword     :     319296
 Additional dynamic memory required     :     573821
 input of data is completed
 initial kinetic energy = 0.68292406E+05
 Memory required to begin solution      :     320K
 Additional dynamically allocated memory:     787K
                                   Total:    1107K
 initialization completed
       1 t 0.0000E+00 dt 1.98E-08 flush i/o buffers            02/11/25 14:14:22
       1 t 0.0000E+00 dt 1.98E-08 write d3plot file            02/11/25 14:14:22
 cpu time per zone cycle............       499 nanoseconds
 average cpu time per zone cycle....       533 nanoseconds
 average clock time per zone cycle..       602 nanoseconds
 estimated total cpu time          =         3 sec (       0 hrs  0 mins)
 estimated cpu time to complete    =         3 sec (       0 hrs  0 mins)
 estimated total clock time        =         7 sec (       0 hrs  0 mins)
 estimated clock time to complete  =         4 sec (       0 hrs  0 mins)
 termination time                  = 3.000E-05
 termination cycle                 =  10000000
      77 t 1.4949E-06 dt 1.98E-08 write d3plot file            02/11/25 14:14:22
     153 t 2.9937E-06 dt 1.97E-08 write d3plot file            02/11/25 14:14:22
     229 t 4.4954E-06 dt 1.99E-08 write d3plot file            02/11/25 14:14:22
     304 t 5.9808E-06 dt 2.00E-08 write d3plot file            02/11/25 14:14:22
     380 t 7.4942E-06 dt 1.98E-08 write d3plot file            02/11/25 14:14:23
     461 t 8.9899E-06 dt 1.59E-08 write d3plot file            02/11/25 14:14:23
     564 t 1.0494E-05 dt 1.36E-08 write d3plot file            02/11/25 14:14:23
     689 t 1.1990E-05 dt 1.07E-08 write d3plot file            02/11/25 14:14:23
     836 t 1.3497E-05 dt 9.66E-09 write d3plot file            02/11/25 14:14:23
    1003 t 1.4998E-05 dt 8.72E-09 write d3plot file            02/11/25 14:14:24
    1190 t 1.6499E-05 dt 7.94E-09 write d3plot file            02/11/25 14:14:24
    1392 t 1.7994E-05 dt 7.34E-09 write d3plot file            02/11/25 14:14:24
    1604 t 1.9498E-05 dt 6.63E-09 write d3plot file            02/11/25 14:14:25
    1827 t 2.0996E-05 dt 6.76E-09 write d3plot file            02/11/25 14:14:25
    2058 t 2.2500E-05 dt 6.30E-09 write d3plot file            02/11/25 14:14:25
    2289 t 2.3999E-05 dt 6.27E-09 write d3plot file            02/11/25 14:14:26
    2524 t 2.5494E-05 dt 6.30E-09 write d3plot file            02/11/25 14:14:26
    2762 t 2.6996E-05 dt 6.32E-09 write d3plot file            02/11/25 14:14:26
    2992 t 2.8499E-05 dt 6.71E-09 write d3plot file            02/11/25 14:14:27
    3225 t 2.9998E-05 dt 6.33E-09 write d3plot file            02/11/25 14:14:27

 *** termination time reached ***
    3225 t 3.0004E-05 dt 6.33E-09 write d3dump01 file          02/11/25 14:14:27
    3225 t 3.0004E-05 dt 6.33E-09 write d3plot file            02/11/25 14:14:27
 N o r m a l    t e r m i n a t i o n                          02/11/25 14:14:27
 Memory required to complete solution   :     320K
 Additional dynamically allocated memory:     789K
                                   Total:    1108K
 T i m i n g   i n f o r m a t i o n
                        CPU(seconds)   %CPU  Clock(seconds) %Clock
  Keyword Processing ... 2.6161E-02    0.48     2.6162E-02    0.30
    KW Reading ......... 1.7076E-02    0.31     1.7071E-02    0.19
    KW Writing ......... 1.8211E-03    0.03     1.8210E-03    0.02
  Initialization ....... 7.4592E-02    1.36     3.3773E+00   38.40
    Init Proc Phase 1 .. 8.1658E-03    0.15     1.0004E-02    0.11
    Init Proc Phase 2 .. 3.0725E-03    0.06     3.7340E-03    0.04
  Init solver .......... 6.3649E-05    0.00     6.4000E-05    0.00
  Element processing ... 4.5411E+00   82.72     4.5410E+00   51.63
    Solids ............. 4.1661E+00   75.89     4.1651E+00   47.35
    Shells ............. 8.0336E-03    0.15     8.8140E-03    0.10
    ISO Shells ......... 3.0287E-03    0.06     3.6500E-03    0.04
    E Other ............ 9.1363E-03    0.17     9.4190E-03    0.11
  Binary databases ..... 1.9081E-02    0.35     1.9495E-02    0.22
  ASCII database ....... 1.4965E-01    2.73     1.4939E-01    1.70
  Contact algorithm .... 8.4178E-03    0.15     8.5310E-03    0.10
  Rigid Bodies ......... 3.7868E-03    0.07     3.7930E-03    0.04
  Time step size ....... 3.6299E-03    0.07     3.6420E-03    0.04
  Rigid wall ........... 2.9354E-01    5.35     2.9276E-01    3.33
  Group force file ..... 3.5236E-03    0.06     4.3490E-03    0.05
  Others ............... 9.2641E-03    0.17     9.1530E-03    0.10
  Misc. 1 .............. 2.5619E-01    4.67     2.6046E-01    2.96
    Scale Masses ....... 2.4525E-03    0.04     2.4780E-03    0.03
    Force Constraints .. 2.5145E-03    0.05     2.5360E-03    0.03
    Force to Accel ..... 3.9504E-02    0.72     3.9194E-02    0.45
    Update RB nodes .... 2.5197E-03    0.05     2.5290E-03    0.03
  Misc. 2 .............. 6.7445E-02    1.23     6.6661E-02    0.76
  Misc. 3 .............. 9.4351E-03    0.17     9.3390E-03    0.11
  Misc. 4 .............. 2.3624E-02    0.43     2.3748E-02    0.27
    Timestep Init ...... 1.3648E-02    0.25     1.3373E-02    0.15
    Apply Loads ........ 5.0922E-03    0.09     5.2120E-03    0.06
  T o t a l s            5.4895E+00  100.00     8.7959E+00  100.00
 Problem time       =    3.0004E-05
 Problem cycle      =      3225
 Total CPU time     =         5 seconds (   0 hours  0 minutes  5 seconds)
 CPU time per zone cycle  =        350.964 nanoseconds
 Clock time per zone cycle=        351.202 nanoseconds
 Number of CPU's    1
 NLQ used/max     112/  112
 Start time   02/11/2025 14:14:22
 End time     02/11/2025 14:14:27
 Elapsed time       5 seconds for    3225 cycles using  1 SMP thread
             (      0 hour   0 minute   5 seconds)
 N o r m a l    t e r m i n a t i o n                          02/11/25 14:14:27
Printed output to console

Get image and display#

def get_image_path(image_name):
    return os.path.join(result_image_dir_server, image_name)

def display_image(path):
    print(f"Printing {path} using matplotlib")
    image1 = mpimg.imread(path)
    plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15))

image_name = "totaldeformation.png"
image_path_server = get_image_path(image_name)

if image_path_server != "":
    current_working_directory = os.getcwd()

    local_file_path_list =
        image_path_server, target_dir=current_working_directory
    image_local_path = local_file_path_list[0]
    print(f"Local image path : {image_local_path}")

example 08 lsdyna taylor bar
Downloading dns:/// to /home/runner/work/pymechanical-examples/pymechanical-examples/examples/basic/totaldeformation.png:   0%|          | 0.00/105k [00:00<?, ?B/s]
Downloading dns:/// to /home/runner/work/pymechanical-examples/pymechanical-examples/examples/basic/totaldeformation.png: 100%|██████████| 105k/105k [00:00<00:00, 525MB/s]
Local image path : /home/runner/work/pymechanical-examples/pymechanical-examples/examples/basic/totaldeformation.png
Printing /home/runner/work/pymechanical-examples/pymechanical-examples/examples/basic/totaldeformation.png using matplotlib

Download gif and display#

animation_name = "taylor_bar.gif"
animation_server = get_image_path(animation_name)

def update(frame):
    return [img]

if image_path_server != "":
    current_working_directory = os.getcwd()

    local_file_path_list =
        animation_server, target_dir=current_working_directory
    image_local_path = local_file_path_list[0]
    print(f"Local image path : {image_local_path}")
    gif =
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 9))
    img = ax.imshow(gif.convert("RGBA"))
    ani = FuncAnimation(
        fig, update, frames=range(gif.n_frames), interval=100, repeat=True, blit=True
Downloading dns:/// to /home/runner/work/pymechanical-examples/pymechanical-examples/examples/basic/taylor_bar.gif:   0%|          | 0.00/263k [00:00<?, ?B/s]
Downloading dns:/// to /home/runner/work/pymechanical-examples/pymechanical-examples/examples/basic/taylor_bar.gif: 100%|██████████| 263k/263k [00:00<00:00, 1.10GB/s]
Local image path : /home/runner/work/pymechanical-examples/pymechanical-examples/examples/basic/taylor_bar.gif

Close mechanical#

Close the mechanical instance.

print("Closing mechanical...")
print("Mechanical closed!")
Closing mechanical...
Mechanical closed!

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 28.211 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery