Test variable and function scope#

This example calls the run_python_script method and checks the variable and function scope between calls.

Launch mechanical#

Launch a new Mechanical session in batch, setting the cleanup_on_exit argument to False. To close this Mechanical session when finished, this example must call the mechanical.exit() method.

from ansys.mechanical.core import launch_mechanical

mechanical = launch_mechanical(batch=True, cleanup_on_exit=False)
Ansys Mechanical [Ansys Mechanical Enterprise]
Product Version:251
Software build date: 11/27/2024 09:34:44

Run script to set variable#

Run the script to assign a value to a variable.

output = mechanical.run_python_script(
x = 10
print(f"x = {output}")
x = 10

Access the variable in the next call#

Run the script to change the variable value.

output = mechanical.run_python_script(
x = x * 2
print(f"x = {output}")
x = 20

Define function#

Run the script to define a function and access the variable defined in the previous call.

output = mechanical.run_python_script(
def multiply_by_10():
    return x*10

print(f"output = {output}")
output = 200

Access the function#

Run the script to access the function defined in the previous call.

output = mechanical.run_python_script(
multiply_by_10() * 2
print(f"output = {output}")
output = 400

Close mechanical#

Close the mechanical instance.


Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.185 seconds)

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