Capture images after a solve#

Using supplied files, this example shows how to resume a MECHDAT file and capture the images of all results in a folder on the disk.

Download required files#

Download the required files. Print the file paths for the MECHDAT file and script files.

import os

from ansys.mechanical.core import launch_mechanical
from ansys.mechanical.core.examples import download_file
from matplotlib import image as mpimg
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

mechdat_path = download_file(
    "example_03_simple_bolt_new.mechdat", "pymechanical", "00_basic"
print(f"Downloaded the MECHDAT file to: {mechdat_path}")

script_file_path = download_file(
    "", "pymechanical", "00_basic"
print(f"Downloaded the script files to: {script_file_path}")
Downloaded the MECHDAT file to: /home/runner/.local/share/ansys_mechanical_core/examples/example_03_simple_bolt_new.mechdat
Downloaded the script files to: /home/runner/.local/share/ansys_mechanical_core/examples/

Launch Mechanical#

Launch a new Mechanical session in batch, setting the cleanup_on_exit argument to False. To close this Mechanical session when finished, this example must call the mechanical.exit() method.

mechanical = launch_mechanical(batch=True, cleanup_on_exit=False)
Ansys Mechanical [Ansys Mechanical Enterprise]
Product Version:251
Software build date: 11/27/2024 09:34:44

Initialize the variable needed for opening the MECHDAT file#

Set the mechdat_path variable for later use. Make the variable compatible for Windows, Linux, and Docker containers.

project_directory = mechanical.project_directory
print(f"project directory = {project_directory}")

# Upload the file to the project directory.
mechanical.upload(file_name=mechdat_path, file_location_destination=project_directory)

# Build the path relative to the project directory.
base_name = os.path.basename(mechdat_path)
combined_path = os.path.join(project_directory, base_name)
mechdat_path_modified = combined_path.replace("\\", "\\\\")

# Verify the path for the MECHDAT file.
result = mechanical.run_python_script(f"mechdat_path")
print(f"MECHDATA file is stored on the server at: {result}")
project directory = /tmp/ANSYS.root.1/AnsysMech5206/Project_Mech_Files/

Uploading example_03_simple_bolt_new.mechdat to dns:///   0%|          | 0.00/7.06M [00:00<?, ?B/s]
Uploading example_03_simple_bolt_new.mechdat to dns:/// 100%|██████████| 7.06M/7.06M [00:00<00:00, 448MB/s]
MECHDATA file is stored on the server at: /tmp/ANSYS.root.1/AnsysMech5206/Project_Mech_Files/example_03_simple_bolt_new.mechdat

Open the MECHDAT file#

Run the script to open the MECHDAT file.


Initialize the variable needed for the image directory#

Set the image_dir variable for later use. Make the variable compatible for Windows, Linux, and Docker containers.

# Open the MECHDAT file to change the project directory.
project_directory = mechanical.project_directory
print(f"project directory = {project_directory}")

image_directory_modified = project_directory.replace("\\", "\\\\")

# Verify the path for image directory.
result_image_dir_server = mechanical.run_python_script(f"image_dir")
print(f"Images are stored on the server at: {result_image_dir_server}")
project directory = /tmp/ANSYS.root.1/AnsysMech5206/Project_Mech_Files/example_03_simple_bolt_new_Mech_Files/
Images are stored on the server at: /tmp/ANSYS.root.1/AnsysMech5206/Project_Mech_Files/example_03_simple_bolt_new_Mech_Files/

Run the mechanical script#

Run the Mechanical script file for creating the images.


Download the image and plot#

Download one image file from the server to the current working directory and plot using matplotlib.

def get_image_path(image_name):
    return result_image_dir_server + image_name

def display_image(path):
    print(f"Printing {path} using matplotlib")
    image1 = mpimg.imread(path)
    plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15))

image_name = "Total Deformation @ 1 sec_Right.png"
image_path_server = get_image_path(image_name)

if image_path_server != "":
    current_working_directory = os.getcwd()

    local_file_path_list =
        image_path_server, target_dir=current_working_directory
    image_local_path = local_file_path_list[0]
    print(f"Local image path : {image_local_path}")

example 02 capture images
Downloading dns:/// Deformation @ 1 sec_Right.png to /home/runner/work/pymechanical-examples/pymechanical-examples/examples/00_basic/Total Deformation @ 1 sec_Right.png:   0%|          | 0.00/117k [00:00<?, ?B/s]
Downloading dns:/// Deformation @ 1 sec_Right.png to /home/runner/work/pymechanical-examples/pymechanical-examples/examples/00_basic/Total Deformation @ 1 sec_Right.png: 100%|██████████| 117k/117k [00:00<00:00, 2.40GB/s]
Local image path : /home/runner/work/pymechanical-examples/pymechanical-examples/examples/00_basic/Total Deformation @ 1 sec_Right.png
Printing /home/runner/work/pymechanical-examples/pymechanical-examples/examples/00_basic/Total Deformation @ 1 sec_Right.png using matplotlib

Clear the data#

Clear the data so it isn’t saved to the project.


Close Mechanical#

Close the Mechanical instance.


Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 33.454 seconds)

Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery